--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This file was downloaded from MegaManAyla at http://www.megamanayla.com --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ESRB Rating: E (Everyone) NTSC/PAL Version (English) ---> Inside Front Cover Warning Information regarding health and safety (see official manual) ---> Page 1 Mega Man 8(TM) Anniversary Collector's Edition Game Set-Up........................................2 Controlling Mega Man...............................3 Special Functions................................4 Destination: Meteor Crash..........................6 Starting Mega Man's Quest..........................7 Main Menu........................................7 Stage Select.....................................7 Mega Power!........................................8 Other Dr. Light Creations..........................9 Rush............................................10 Dr. Light's Laboratory............................11 Special Items.....................................11 Dr. Wily and his Nefarious Robots.................12 Option Mode.......................................15 Backup Data.......................................15 Merchandise.......................................16 Warranty..........................................17 ---> Page 2 GAME SETUP Set up your PlayStation(TM) game console according to the instructions in its Instruction Manual. Make sure the power is off before inserting or removing a compact disc. Insert the MEGA MAN 8 disc and close the disc cover. Insert game controllers and turn on the PlayStation(TM) game console. Follow the on-screen instructions to start a game. (Display of PSX Console with labels of important components) STARTING MEGA MAN 8 After loading MEGA MAN 8, watch the cartoon introduction sequence or press START or any Control button to jump to the title screen. Press START or X to bring up the main menu. Refer to page 7 for more on how to begin playing. (Display of in-game screen including labels for Mega Man's Vitality, Lives, Mega Man, Enemy Vitality and Enemy) ---> Page 3 CONTROLLING MEGA MAN MEGA MAN DL #001 Mega Man, the second robot created by Dr. Thomas Light, was originally intended only to perform functions in the laboratory that Dr. Light could not. Slowly, Dr. Light began using Mega Man for more and more advanced robotics experiments. One day, Mega Man walked in on Dr. Light listening to an intercepted transmission from the evil Dr. Wily. The transmission exposed Dr. Wily's plans for world domination. Mega Man convinced the good Dr. Light to let him chase down and eliminate the threat of his nemesis. Mega Man's days as a gofer in the lab were over. (Display of PSX controller with labels for each button) ---> Page 4 BUTTON FUNCTION --------------------------------------------------------- START Button Starts Game Opens Mega Power Screen Selects item in menu SELECT Button Opens Reset Menu from Mega Power Screen DIRECTIONAL Highlights item in menu Button Moves Mega Man Left or Right Climb Ladders Up or Down Triangle Fires Mega Buster (Shot Button) Press and hold until fully charged, then release to fire Mega Blast. Try jumping and sending out a Mega Blast. Cancel item in menu Square Fires Mega Power (Special Weapon) Fires Mega Buster (Shot Button) Press and hold until fully charged, then release to fire Mega Blast. Circle Jump Swim X Jump Swim Select item in menu L1, R1 Changes Mega Power Switches menu in Mega Power screen L2, R2 Not Used To reset the game at any time, press and hold SELECT. Then press and hold START. Or pause game by pressing START, then press SELECT to open the RESET MENU. Highlight and select QUIT. Select YES to QUIT. SPECIAL FUNCTION --------------------------------------------------------- SLIDE Press the DIRECTIONAL Button Down and Circle or X simultaneously to slide under narrow passages. JUMP Press Circle or X to jump. Adjust height of the jump by holding the button down longer. Use the DIRECTIONAL Button to determine the direction of the jump. SWIM Press Circle or X to swim. Use the DIRECTIONAL Button to move Mega Man while swimming. CLIMB LADDER Stand at base of ladder and press the DIRECTIONAL Button Up to climb ladder. Press Down to climb down. USE MEGA BALL Rush delivers the first Mega Power to Mega Man on the island, but the Mega Ball is a Mega Power and can be depleted. Equip the Mega Ball then press Square to fire it. You will see the Mega Ball on the ground. Stand next to the Mega Ball and press Square again to make Mega Man kick the ball and activate it. ---> Page 5 SPECIAL FUNCTION --------------------------------------------------------- MOVE MEGA Press the DIRECTIONAL Button BALL Left or Right to move the Mega Ball without activating it. Sliding onto the Mega Ball works as well. JUMP ONTO Fire a Mega Ball but don't activate MEGA BALL it. Press and hold Circle or X to jump on the Mega Ball. Mega Man will jump higher. USE SNOW In certain parts of the icy stages BOARD Mega Man can use a Snow Board. He can jump and Slide by using the same motions mentioned previously. Be prepared: inclines increase the snow board's speed. (Display of in-game shot of Mega Man riding a snow board) FLOAT IN A Bubbles turn up occasionaly. Jump BUBBLE onto the bubble-maker and Mega Man will float upward. Use the DIRECTIONAL Button to move the bubble left or right. No weapons are available while in a bubble, and spikes will pop the bubble. ---> Page 6 DESTINATION: METEOR CRASH Dr. Light sped to his controls to react to the sudden alarms. Lights flashed and electronic sounds blared. He scanned the meters and checked the print-outs for any clues to what had just happened. Then the computers centered on the disruption in the radar and brought it on-screen. "Mega Man, come in! You must investigate the disturbance immediately. Come in, Mega Man!" A hologram displaying the gentle face of the Titanium Titan gradually materialized, and Dr. Light breathed a sigh of relief. Mega Man was already in the vicinity. "Yes, Dr. Light. I have the readings. From the looks of it that comet was not an accident. I detect a high concentration of metal alloy in that fireball. I bet Dr. Wily is behind this." "If not, he at least knows about it and is nearby. It crashed onto that deserted island. If Wily's there, don't let him get away. And be careful Mega Man. Remember what happened last time!" ---> Page 7 STARTING MEGA MAN'S QUEST MAIN MENU From the MEGA MAN 8 title screen, press START or the X Button to bring up the main menu. Here you have 3 options: GAME START, CONTINUE or OPTION. To start a new game, highlight GAME START and press START or the X Button. After the cartoon introduction sequence, you will begin play. To bypass the intro, press START or the X Button. To continue a previous game, highlight CONTINUE. For more on how to save or load a game, see page 15. Adjust the configuration of your game by selecting OPTION. This brings you to the OPTION MODE. See page 15 for more on options. STAGE SELECT After Mega Man investigates the deserted island, he is presented with the Stage Select Screen. The square markers show the stages on the map where Mega Man can go to find clues. Highlight a marker and press START or the X Button to begin Mega Man on his quest. At first you can only go to 4 stages and Dr. Light's laboratory. For more on the functions of Dr. Light's lab, see page 11. (Display of Stage Select Screen with labels for Map, Wily Robot Area, Wily Robot, Stage Graphic and Switch Map Icon) ---> Page 8 MEGA POWER! As Mega Man battles Wily's Nefarious Robots he will gather power-ups, weapons and items. If Mega Man is skilled enough to face and defeat the Wily Robot introduced at the beginning of the stage he is rewarded with that Robot's weapon. The weapon and any other special power-up he acquires will be stored on the Mega Power screen. (Display of Mega Power Screen with labels for Life Gauge, Weapon and Weapon Energy Available) Press START during gameplay to pause the game and bring up the Mega Power screen. This first screen shows all the weapons Mega Man has acquired from defeated Wily Robots. The second screen, the Item Select Screen, shows all the special items Mega Man has collected. Use L1 or R1 to shift back and forth between Mega Power screens. To equip an item or weapon, use the DIRECTIONAL Button to highlight the item or weapon and press START. This will return you to gameplay with the weapon or item you chose to use. You can switch weapons during gameplay by pressing L1 or R1. You must have energy remaining in the weapon in order to use it. (Display of Item Select Screen with labels for Rush Items, Special Shots and Special Items) ---> Page 9 OTHER DR. LIGHT CREATIONS Mega Man is not alone on this adventure. Dr. Light has been busy creating other robots to help Mega Man find Dr. Wily. Here are those that Mega Man can count on when he needs help: ROLL DL #002 Mega Man's younger sister Roll works in the laboratory and assists Dr. Light in turning the bolts Mega Man collects into those nifty items he can obtain at the lab. For more on this, see the next section. PROTO MAN DL #000 Dr. Light's first creation seems to be at the right place at the right time. Good ol' Proto Man. You know good things are usually nearby when he shows up. AUTO Normally a technical assistant in the lab, the beefy Auto steps out of the lab and into the hunt with his custom weapons. Mega Man can definitely count on Auto to lend a hand. ---> Page 10 EDDY "FLIP-TOP" Dr. Light made Eddy to transport things from the lab to his robots in the field. Now Eddy has been equipped with the ability to fly. So, along with Eddy, Mega Man has some real fire power. BEAT The famous crime-fighting bird named Beat is always out for world peace. Beat was built by Dr. Cossack, a long-time friend and colleague of Dr. Light. Cossack and Light worked together so well that Cossack gave Beat to Mega Man to support him in battle. While flying, Beat will dash out to attack if fully charged. RUSH Where would any person be without a trusty canine at their side? The same goes for the Blue Bomber and Rush the Robo Dog. Rush can transform himself into many different vehicles so Mega Man cannot do without him. All Rush powers have limited energy, and once you call on him you must use all the energy from that power. Rush has 6 forms, but Mega Man can only call on 4 by himself. Special Rush allows Dr. Light to send a holographic image to communicate with Mega Man, while Rush Jet gives Mega Man the power to fly. Use the DIRECTIONAL Button to move the Rush Jet. Mega Man can only fire to the right while on Rush Jet, but he can use any Robot Weapons at his disposal. Rush Bike - Call up the Rush Bike and zoom through enemies with no problems. Mega Man will not take any damage while on the bike, but Rush's energy takes a pummeling if you ram enemies. To leave the bike, press the DIRECTIONAL Button Up and the JUMP button to jump off the bike. Rush Bomber - Rush will drop bombs to help you. Rush Charger - Mega Man will receive life energy or weapon energy. Rush will drop these down for Mega Man to collect. ---> Page 11 DR. LIGHT'S LABORATORY From the Stage Select screen, highlight Dr. Light and press START or the X Button to select the lab. Roll will appear and talk you through the features at the lab. There are a number of items that can be built and given to Mega Man depending on how many bolts are required to make the item. The number of bolts you have collected will appear in the lower right corner of the screen. Use the DIRECTIONAL Button to highlight a menu item then press START or the X Button to select it. You can choose from ASK FOR A PART, SAVE, OPTION MODE or EXIT. Select ASK FOR A PART to have Roll create a special item. After selecting this from the menu, you will see icons representing the items you can make. Use the DIRECTIONAL Button to highlight an item. Information about the item will appear at the top of the screen. If you have enough bolts press START or the X Button to select it. If you do not have enough bolts Roll will tell you so. When you have finished, select Exit and you will return to the Stage Select screen. You can also save your game in the lab. Make sure you have a memory card loaded in Memory Card Slot 1, then highlight SAVE and press START or the X Button. You will then be asked which block you want to save the game to. For more on saving and loading games, see page 15. Select OPTION MODE to adjust your options in the same way as you can from the game's main menu. (Display of Dr. Light's Lab) SPECIAL ITEMS Each item has information about its purpose when you highlight it in the lab (or highlight it in the Item Select screen) but here is a short list of some things you can purchase. Energy Balancer-When you collect Weapon Energy, the balancer will fill your weapons from least to greatest. Exit Part-Allows you to exit a stage you have already completed. Laser Shot-A piercing laser weapon. These items appear when you defeat enemies, or are just there if you can find them: Bolts-Use these to create items at the lab. Companion Panel-Appears only in flying stage; pick up when the companion you want appears. Rush Panel-Allows you to call up the corresponding Rush power. 1 UP-Increases the number of chances you have to battle, up to a maximum of 9 extra lives. ---> Page 12 DR. WILY AND HIS NEFARIOUS ROBOTS DR. ALBERT W. WILY The evil scientist never gives up. Try and try as he might, Thomas Light is always there to get the upper hand. Even back in their days at the Robot Institute of Technology Dr. Light got all the attention and accolades. Wily has vowed to become the greatest robot maker the world has ever seen but Dr. Light's Mega Man has consistently foiled Wily's schemes to control the world. BASS AND TREBLE An interesting pair. Who would ever have thought to pair a robot with a trusty canine sidekick? Wily figured if you can't beat 'em, copy 'em so now Rush and Mega Man have Bass and Treble to deal with. Bass is convinced he can defeat Mega Man by himself yet welcomes the fierce Treble. TENGU MAN DW #057 Weapon: Tornado Hold Wily created Tengu Man to take advantage of the power of the storm. An experimental robot with many weaknesses if you can find them, Tengu Man exudes confidence and frequently looks down on others. So look out for the tornado. ---> Page 13 ASTRO MAN DW #058 Weapon: Astro Crush An abandoned planetarium held lots of parts for Wily to convert into the menacing Astro Man. At first Astro Man was designed to control the minds of those who viewed the planetarium show, but the greedy Wily prepared himself for battle. Never one to shy away from a fight, Astro Man still feels more comfortable in space. SWORD MAN DW #059 Weapon: Flame Sword One of Wily's most prized thefts was an ancient sword he lifted out of a museum. But the sword was so huge he could not find a use for it. Finally he built Sword Man but could not balance the weight. Wily decided he must float Sword Man's upper body above the rest so he will not be clumsy. The devastating sword can be charged up and shoots fire. CLOWN MAN DW #060 Weapon: Thunder Claw Dr. Wily rescued Clown Man from a cancelled science fiction TV show. Made from old sets and props, he displays the charisma of show business. The truth is Dr. Wily can't stop laughing at Clown Man's arms. This makes Clown Man especially proud of his arm span, which can extend over great distances, because he never got a laugh while on the show. SEARCH MAN DW #061 Weapon: Homing Sniper Built from extra parts and an out-of-service security robot, Search Man has Jeckyl-and-Hyde written all over him. Wily decided that two heads would be better than one but then again Wily never does anything for the better. Search Man's heads should cooperate but in reality they are constantly bumping heads over every decision. ---> Page 14 FROST MAN DW #062 Weapon: Ice Wave When Wily bought parts to enhance Clown Man, he over did it. To use up those parts, he worked day and night to come up with Frost Man. He had so many more parts than he expected. So Wily built an ice machine right inside Frost Man. His most dangerous weapon is the Ice Wave, a quick blast of razor-sharp icicles that freezes and cuts through anything it touches. GRENADE MAN DW #063 Weapon: Flash Bomb The best description that fits Grenade Man is a crazy drill sargeant whose favorite pastime is to blow up everything in sight. Grenade Man's bold and reckless personality was just the remedy for Dr. Wily. While he loves to hurt his enemies, strangely Grenade Man longs for the pain of an explosion or two. AQUA MAN DW #064 Weapon: Water Balloon Aqua Man emerged when Wily's first shot at Frost Man's ice machine failed miserably. So he gave Aqua Man a huge water tank in his chassis. Wily sent him to a water utility plant to train, and now he has emerged as one of Wily's best weapons. ---> Page 15 OPTION MODE Roll assists you in adjusting the configuration of your controls and the sound mode for your game. Highlight OPTION from the main menu and press START or the X Button to select it. Then highlight the function you want to change and press the button you want to use for that function. Choose between STEREO and MONO for the sound on your game depending on the capability of your system. (Display of Option mode screen) BACKUP DATA There are 3 ways to save your game. Each time you clear a stage you will be asked if you want to save your game. When you run out of lives you will be given the chance to save your game. You can also save while in Dr. Light's Laboratory. Your game progress, items and option settings will be saved. You can save up to 3 different games. MEGA MAN 8 consumes 1 Block of Memory. Make sure you have room available on your Memory Card, and have it loaded in Memory Card Slot 1. (This page also has information regarding purchasing a mail-order Mega Man statue, see official manual for details). ---> Page 16 MERCHANDISE AVAILABLE FROM CAPCOM See official manual for order form for T-Shirts, Strategy Guides and a Backpack. ---> Page 17 See official manual for warranty details. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please do not use this file on your website without MegaManAyla's persmission. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------