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This file Shows an old article about the beta version of Mega Man X for the Super Nintendo.

From the December 1994 issue of GamePro (page 15)...

Letter Section:
"In your September '93 issue you PreViewed Mega Man X. I've beaten the game, but I didn't recognize three of the screens you showed. They were of a white city. Also, you mentioned two new friends for Mega Man, RX and RY. I didn't see them either. Can you explain?"

"You're right, those "white city" screens aren't in the game, and neither are RX and RY. Capcom spokesperson Laurie Thornton says that all these features were present when we previewed the game in July '93 for our September issue, but between July and the game's release in December '93, Capcom changed the story and some of the levels. As a result, the white city and MM's two pals disappeared."
